ASTHMA SOLVED NATURALLY: The Surprising Underlying Causes and Hundreds of Natural Strategies to Beat Asthma
Softcover Printed Book. Copyright 2015
Millions of people suffer from asthma, and asthma rates have been going up dramatically in the last few decades, primarily among industrialized nations. What is causing this almost epidemic surge of asthma? Is it as simple as air pollution and allergy triggers? More importantly, can asthma be reversed, and if so, how? Using over a thousand scientific references and clinical reports, "Asthma Solved Naturally" provides the surprising answers to these questions. Rejecting the 'dumbing down' of this condition as often portrayed, the author - a California Naturopath - comprehensively demonstrates the underlying causes of asthma while providing hundreds of clinically and scientifically verified inexpensive natural strategies - some thousands of years old - used successfully to eliminate asthma.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: The author is a California Naturopath and holds a Ph.D. in Natural Health Sciences. He is Board Certified as an Alternative Medical Practitioner - a traditional naturopath, not a licensed medical doctor. He is the author of 25 books on natural health, and his focus is upon researching and writing about traditional therapies accompanied by clear clinical evidence.